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5 Tips To Increase Sales With A Sidekick Display

Time to read 4 min

Stand Out With A Sidekick Display

When you’re out shopping, have you ever noticed those small rectangular displays that are hooked on the shelf? They’re often called “sidekicks” or "power wings", and they can be a great way to increase your sales.

Sidekicks are a great way to increase your sales because they allow you to show off more of your products. They’re also a good way to attract attention to your products, and they can help you to create a more visually appealing display.

What Is A Sidekick Display?

Sidekick displays, often referred to as power wings, offer an excellent way to streamline the shopping experience by guiding customers to essential products. Strategically positioned in areas of high customer flow, such as adjacent to the checkout or along frequently visited aisles, these displays capitalize on prime store locations. This placement not only maximizes the use of valuable retail space but also enhances product visibility, encouraging impulse buys and increasing overall sales.

Why Use A Sidekick Display?

The most significant advantage of using a sidekick display lies in its ability to prominently showcase a wider array of your products. With their consumer-friendly accessibility, these displays serve as potent tools for drawing attention and enhancing the aesthetic allure of your product assortment.

Sidekick displays are particularly advantageous in retail settings for their space optimization capabilities. They can be adeptly positioned adjacent to complementary products, enabling you to fully leverage every available inch of selling space without the burden of overstocking. Moreover, these displays facilitate a streamlined shopping experience, simplifying the product discovery process for customers.

This, in turn, can expedite the purchasing process, allowing customers to find and buy what they need swiftly and with greater ease, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and potentially boosting sales.

5 Tips For Increasing Sales With A Sidekick Display

Leverage sidekick displays to spotlight promotions, seasonal specials, and best-sellers. These displays are perfectly suited for capturing customer attention and promoting impulse purchases. 

By featuring discounted items or limited-time offers, you can tap into the shopper's desire for savings and value, encouraging them to buy on impulse. Ensure that promotional messaging is bold and straightforward, making it easy for customers to understand the offer quickly.

1. Highlight Promotions and Deals

Leverage sidekick displays to spotlight promotions, seasonal specials, and best-sellers. These displays are perfectly suited for capturing customer attention and promoting impulse purchases. 

By featuring discounted items or limited-time offers, you can tap into the shopper's desire for savings and value, encouraging them to buy on impulse. Ensure that promotional messaging is bold and straightforward, making it easy for customers to understand the offer quickly.

2. Optimize Product Placement

The placement of products on a sidekick display should be strategic and thoughtful. Aim for eye-level placement for the most sought-after items to increase their visibility. 

However, it's also important to utilize lower shelves for additional stock or product variations, ensuring everything is within easy reach. Organizing products logically and intuitively can enhance the shopping experience and facilitate customer decision-making, leading to higher sales.

3. Use Eye-Catching Design and Signage

An effective sidekick display combines vibrant colors, dynamic graphics, and clear, impactful signage to draw in customers. 

The design should reflect your brand's identity while also standing out within the retail environment. 

Clear signage helps communicate the benefits or unique selling points of the featured products, making it easier for customers to make informed purchasing decisions. Investing in quality design and signage can differentiate your products from competitors and increase their appeal.

4. Rotate Products Regularly

Keeping your sidekick display dynamic and engaging is crucial for maintaining customer interest over time. Regularly updating the display with different products prevents it from becoming stale and overlooked. 

This approach not only attracts attention from repeat visitors but also helps manage inventory levels more effectively. Rotating products based on seasonality, sales trends, or customer feedback ensures that your sidekick display remains relevant and effective.

5. Gather Feedback and Adjust

Continuous improvement is key to the success of any retail strategy, including the use of sidekick displays. Collect and analyze customer feedback along with sales data to understand what works and what doesn't. This insight allows you to make informed adjustments to product selection, display placement, and design elements. Regularly refining your approach based on real-world feedback can lead to better results, higher customer satisfaction, and increased sales over time.

Implementing these five tips can transform your sidekick displays into powerful tools for boosting sales and enhancing the customer shopping experience. By focusing on promotions, product placement, design, product rotation, and feedback, retailers can effectively leverage sidekick displays to achieve their sales objectives.

Learn More About Sidekicks

Now Create Your Own Sidekick Display

Sidekick displays are an excellent way for retailers expecting high volume sales or those looking for ways to maximize their space in retail environments. With the right product lineup, they can be used as a valuable tool for increasing impulse purchases and increasing sales.

By using sidekicks to promote your products and services, you can maximize your chances of success in a highly-competitive market! To learn more about how Promo stylers' custom sidekick displays can help boost your retail business, or to order your own display today, request a quote today!